Scorpio men love being validated. They tend to read too much into situations and need outside validation that they’re in the right place and doing the right thing.

He loves compliments and he especially loves to hear how good-looking he is. He feels like he’s very distinct from others and can’t bear being just another person in the crowd.
1. He’s a special person
Scorpio men are born leaders, and they’re always trying to better themselves. So it’s important for him to hear that he is a special person, especially from someone he cares about. This will stroke his ego and make him feel validated.
He also likes to hear that you respect his boundaries and the lines he draws in the sand. This is a big deal to him because it shows that you trust him, and he knows that you’re not one of those people who’s going to try to push his boundaries.
2. He’s perfect for you
When you tell him he’s special, it strokes his ego and makes him feel validated. It also demonstrates that you value his opinions and the boundaries he’s drawn in his life.
While men of other signs may be after quick thrills, Scorpios seek deeper relationships. This makes him an excellent choice for a long-term relationship.
Once he feels committed to you, he will want to spend every moment together. He will cancel plans with his friends and family to be with you. He will also show a lot of PDA and display fiery sex in bed.
3. He’s enough
Unlike men of other signs, Scorpios are after more meaningful relationships. They’re looking for a long-term commitment with someone that they can trust and share everything with.
When a Scorpio man is in love, he will go out of his way to please you. He’ll even go as far as canceling plans with friends and family just to spend time with you.
It’s important to let him know that he is enough for you. Sometimes the compliments he needs aren’t about his looks but more about his character and qualities that make him a special person.
4. You’re not forgetting him
Scorpio men are passionate about their work, and they like to know that you are equally as invested in your own career goals. This tells him that you will be his biggest cheerleader and is something he admires in women.
In addition, he wants to know that you will always make him your priority. Whether it’s his hard-earned money, his time spent with you, or the things he does to keep himself looking his best, you will want to tell him that he is your first and foremost thought.
5. You’re not a quitter
He wants to hear that you’re not someone who gives up on things easily. This is important to him because he takes his relationships seriously and prefers long-term commitments to one-night stands.
He also loves to please his loved ones, so if he sees that you’re falling for him, expect him to go out of his way to make sure that your needs are met. He may even start cooking for you or buying you gifts!
He also likes a woman who isn’t afraid to stand up for herself. That’s why he enjoys hearing that you have your own ambitions and goals.
6. You’re not a clingy girl
Scorpio men are incredibly loyal to the people they love and trust. He will jump headfirst into any danger if it means saving or protecting someone he cares about, so he needs to know that you’re there for him too.
He wants to know that you’re not going to leave him even if he gets overwhelmed by a project or has to make an unexpected decision. This is a great way to show him that you’re dedicated to your relationship and not just going through the motions.
He also appreciates when you tell him that he is unique. This compliment makes him feel special, especially since he usually avoids attention.
7. You’re an independent woman
Scorpios are secretive and cautious, so it takes time for them to trust people. They’re loyal and devoted to their partners, but they don’t lower their guard for just anyone.
He’ll like hearing that you respect his privacy and personal space. This helps him feel safe in your presence. It also reassures him that you’re not trying to control him or manipulate him.
He’ll love hearing that you appreciate his sense of humor. Scorpios often use humor as a way to soothe tension, calm themselves, and connect with others.