When making the choice to become a transgender there is a lot of work and practice to perfect certain habits and bodily movements of the body. One of the hardest things to perfect and requires a lot of time and practice is voice.

Whether your transitioning from male to female or female to male the difference in octaves is extreme and requires lots of practice. One way to make sure you get a lot of practice in and also get unbiased opinions of your voice is to practice through phone sex.
You can enter a phone sex hotline with a different voice everyday until you find the one you like the most and it becomes second nature for you to use. Our voice sounds different to others ears so practicing over and over in the mirror doesn’t do you as much justice as practicing where others can hear you. Phone sex hotlines allow you the ability to talk with multiple people both men and women as well as hear multiple types of voices you can pick and choose from to try and match and help you find the voice your most comfortable with.
While practicing voice changes can be tedious and tiresome doing it on a phone sex hotline can help jazz it up and make it more fun. What better way of practicing a voice then to be able to do it and get off as well. An even better incentive is you can practice in whatever environment is comfortable to you without any judgment.
Confidence is a big factor when deciding to transition and phone sex can enable you to find that confidence in your voice in any environment you can have your phone in. Whether your driving to work, waiting on your lunch order, or cooking at home you can dial into a phone sex chat line and engage in conversation testing out your tones and length of time you can hold your voice. There is a plethora of opportunities that allow you to multitask and talk on the phone so stop waiting for the right time to practice, warm up your vocals and pick up the phone and call your local phone sex hotline!