Let’s get something clear right off the bat. While some people orgasm for 10 minutes straight, these people are far and few between and finding them is not always easy. Instead, this blog will give tips and facts on how to achieve orgasm within 10 minutes. Orgasms that will rock your world.

Most people already know how to get themselves off relatively quickly. Outside of that, many articles have been written about how a healthy diet, exercise, and focusing on individual happiness can all help create a situation that makes orgasms easier to achieve. Additionally, the amount of pressure and friction from the orgasms can impact how often and how hard people must play and masturbate to get off quickly.
This writing is more about things that you can do in preparation for phone sex conversations, masturbation, and sex in general. Here are some tips to get orgasms out around the 10-minute mark:
Start thinking about sex and fantasizing sometime before calling the free phonesex numbers, masturbation, or real-life sex begins. Some people even try touching themselves a little bit over the course of the day before the official event happens.
Another preparation that people can do, particularly in phone sex, is discussing the scene and phone sex scenario during the previous session. This gives people’s imaginations some time to think about all the fun and excitement their free adult phone sex chat will have.
A lubricant is also an essential part of being able to time your orgasms to happen when you want them to. By finding a good lubricant to go along with your hands and toys, you can more pleasurably speed up and slow down the sensations to time things out.
Many people like bringing themselves to the brink of orgasm and then stopping. This is something that helps get more intense orgasms; the concept can also be used by people who either get off easily or have a more difficult time getting off. It is good for both.
For people who tend to take longer to get off, experiment with a quick masturbation session in the morning, without getting off. Bring yourself close to orgasm, where you know it is coming, and stop, breathe in, relax, and go about your day. Later in the day, when you start masturbating during your phone sex session or other masturbation time, you may find that you can get off more easily. This can also help create more intense orgasms.
The same strategy can also be used for people who get off very easily. They can be a great plan to integrate this into the play with the knowledge of the other person. By building up and stopping or slowing down, then building up and stopping or slowing down again, before orgasm, an even more intense orgasm can occur.
The goal behind phone sex play is to get to know other people, have fun, and get off. Sometimes a busy schedule prevents people from having the time that they would like to spend on it. Using these steps, you can still get off and have a fantastic time doing it, even in a shorter period of time.