Minor Details: Where You Cum In Phone Sex Play Can Be Impactful

The intensity that phone sex can bring, in orgasms and in passion, can be quite substantial. Like many people in business and life will say, the biggest things that people generally remember are either the first thing, the last thing, and/or the most intense thing. This is why first impressions are critical when it comes to phone sex.

Minor Details Where You Cum In Phone Sex Play Can Be Impactful
Minor Details Where You Cum In Phone Sex Play Can Be Impactful

This is also why talking with your phone sex friend about what turns them on the most is extremely important. Lastly, it is why the end of the phone sex is extremely important as well.

One of the climactic moments and general endpoints for phone sex play is the orgasm. While it is highly recommended in real-life situations to keep touching, kissing, snuggling, and having fun sex time even after ejaculation happens, phone sex can sometimes be treated a little bit differently. So long as both people are happy and satisfied, the phone chat can wind down afterward. For many people, orgasm is not always necessary when having sex or phone bang fun chat. This is something that you should discuss with your phone sex friend before starting.

Other things that can be discussed to help improve the sex chat and make it the best it can be is how to deal with orgasms, squirt, and ejaculate.

Ejaculate and squirt can be aimed anywhere on the body, in theory. They do not have to end up being on the body at all, if that is the preference. Depending on the person you are playing with, there are plenty of options for where and how ejaculation and squirting can happen. Because this is a fantasy situation, people may enjoy different things than they would in real life. Perhaps the face is a favorite spot for this particular session. Maybe they want you to cum or squirt in their mouth, or on their pecs or tits. Other examples are on the pussy, in the pussy, in the ass, on the ass, on their feet, in a condom, in a cup for them to drink, the list goes on and on.

More importantly, however, is where people do not these liquids. One somewhat silly example of this is in the bellybutton. Some people do not want to have cum in their bellybutton, ever. It is a big deal for some people, so avoiding cumming on the stomach in a phone sex chat for these people. It will help keep the phone sex chat beautiful and memorable. Some people also do not prefer having others ejaculate inside of them. This is something to discuss with your phone sex friend before you start the session. While some people don’t like when people cum inside of them, other people, in fantasy situations or otherwise, are incredibly turned on by the prospects of creampies or impregnation fantasies.

Long story short, having these discussions with your phone sex partners can pay big dividends and help keep the phone sex conversations that you have more memorable and more positive.

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