If you’ve been trying to make things work with this guy, but he always dodges your questions or avoids talking about the future, it might be time to cut him loose.

Often, men who haven’t had a long-term relationship before are not ready for one. It doesn’t mean they don’t like you or want to be with you, it just means they aren’t ready to commit to you yet.
1. He’s not ready for commitment
You’re in love with a guy, but you’re not sure whether he’s ready for a relationship. He goes hot and cold, he avoids discussing your future together, or he doesn’t prioritize your needs.
He suffers from low self-esteem: If he’s insecure about his self-image, it’ll make it hard for him to commit to you. He might also have experienced some major heartache in his past relationships, which may keep him from feeling a real commitment.
He might also need more time to figure things out before he’s ready for a committed relationship. If he’s struggling with emotional issues, you should consider helping him get professional counseling.
2. He’s not ready for a serious relationship
Having a serious relationship with someone involves trust, reliability and open communication. So it’s a huge red flag if you find that he’s all talk, fails to follow through or is unable to stick to his word.
If he’s constantly cancelling plans, cutting you off from his friends or depriving you of time together, it’s a sign that he isn’t ready to take things to the next level.
Another sign he’s not ready is if he doesn’t ask your opinion on major decisions. It’s important for you two to agree on what the future holds for your relationship so it’s a good idea to discuss it regularly.
He might also be having trouble balancing work and family life at the moment. This isn’t a bad thing, but it means that he isn’t able to commit to you yet.
3. He’s not ready for a long-term relationship
If you’ve been dating for some time, it’s likely you’re wondering when he’s ready to commit. Commitment is a big deal, and many people feel that it requires a great deal of risk.
Research shows that couples who are committed to each other can weather change and come out stronger on the other side. In order for a relationship to last, both partners must be willing to make changes.
One of the main reasons men don’t want a long-term relationship is because they’re afraid of commitment. They fear that it will take away their freedom and independence.
This is a common fear, and it’s often the cause of a lot of heartache. If you want to save yourself from heartache, you need to understand what this means and how to address it.
4. He’s not ready for a serious relationship with you
If you have been dating for a while but haven’t been able to progress things to the next level, you’re not alone. But, don’t be discouraged — there is hope!
He’s not ready to commit because he has something important going on. It could be a serious family matter or deep internal work.
A guy who is not emotionally mature will lash out or blame you when he has problems, rather than take responsibility for his own actions and learn to better manage his emotions.
Another sign he’s not ready for a relationship is if he doesn’t want to tell you about his past relationships. This may be because he is afraid of letting you know his history, or because he thinks it will make you uncomfortable.
Ultimately, the best way to tell if he’s ready for a relationship is to listen to your gut. If you feel like he is truly ready to get serious, then you should move forward with your dating journey!