A confident delivery and lighthearted humor are a great way to make older women fall for you. Avoid overdoing teasing and compliments on her age since it can turn her off.

Mastering how to talk to older women means balancing cerebral discussion with her interest in your life experience. She’ll want to know your passions, dreams and goals.
1. Be genuinely interested
Women older than you are not interested in the boyish charm you might use to impress them. Instead, they want you to genuinely be interested in her.
Talk to her about the things she’s passionate about. She’ll find that fascinating and you’ll build a meaningful stock of topics to broach when the two of you are together.
You can also try introducing some controversial topics to her. However, you must use this tactic with prudence as she might find it offensive if you blatantly attack her beliefs or worldview.
2. Master the art of ambiance
Older women are usually confident and know what they want. They’re unlikely to give you second chances if your first impression is poor. So, it’s important that you put in the effort to learn how to charm older women.
Experts recommend that you display your sense of humor and playfulness to captivate her interest. They also suggest talking about controversial topics to incite engaging discussions.
However, don’t try to impose your masculine ego in the process. Imposing your masculinity could make her uncomfortable and create a negative impression in her mind. You should instead display a balance between your understanding and intelligence and your sexy side.
3. Don’t impose your masculine ego
One of the biggest mistakes that men make when trying to charm older women is demonstrating too much ego. You want to be able to capture her interest and develop a solid relationship but you must have a balance of ego, intelligence and understanding.
Older women want to know that you are confident but you also need to show a sense of humor and understanding. You can tease her and compliment her personality but don’t go overboard as she will be able to tell when you are being cocky. Older women have seen the world and have a certain perspective that should be respected.
4. Know your strengths and weaknesses
If you’re looking to impress an older woman and turn her into a girlfriend, date or life partner then it’s important that you know your strengths and weaknesses. You may want to ask a trusted friend, coach or mentor for their input as well as consider personality tests that can help you determine your key attributes.
Once you’ve compiled your list, be objective and don’t exaggerate. If your list is too long, then it might not be accurate or helpful. Also, don’t forget to include your hidden or overlooked strengths – these are equally important to the ones you see on paper. These are the traits that can really set you apart from other men.
5. Be cerebral
Cerebral means to be driven by reason and intellect rather than emotions. It is a way of being that some people have, and it’s very attractive to older women.
When talking to her, try to make your conversations cerebral and understandable. It will show that you are an intelligent and understanding person which is the basis of a strong foundation for any meaningful relationship.
It is also important that you leave your masculine ego behind when talking to her as it can create a negative impression in her mind. Instead, talk about the things that interest you and her such as your passions and dreams.
6. Don’t be needy
Older women have seen a lot of things and they have a set perspective about life. Respect that and don’t try to change it overnight. This is a great way to create a solid base for any long-term relationship.
A woman who is needy equates her relationship status with her own happiness and success in the world. She might talk about how happy you make her and want to put pictures of you on her social media.
Avoid being needy because it’s a turn-off for most people. Besides, it’s not healthy for anyone. It also ruins the vibe you are trying to convey.