Want to keep her on the edge of her seat when it comes to dating? Text her flirtatious messages every now and then. While it is difficult to build trust in a short time, flirtatious messages can be an effective way to keep her on her toes. Moreover, flirtatious texts can be a low-pressure way to set up a date.

You can suggest something she’ll like or suggest an activity together. In this way, she will be more likely to say yes.
Avoid sending repeated messages
If you’re looking to impress a girl, the best way to go about it is to avoid sending repeated texts. Texting is a very easy and convenient way to communicate with a girl, but it’s also not as effective as talking in person. Here are some tips to help you keep your conversations interesting and your girl’s attention. While you’re texting, try to make the conversations light and enjoyable.
Don’t be too serious or clingy. Trying to impress a girl by texting is useless if you don’t actually ask her out. Always remember that women want to spend time with a man who has his own life. Avoid snarky or angry messages. It’s a good idea to stay calm and remain calm and polite, but if you feel the need to be aggressive, texting her will just make your woman feel unappreciated and less valued.
Remind her of something funny
If you want to keep a girl interested over text, you can send her random jokes or memes. This way, you can check if your sense of humor is similar to hers. However, it is better if your jokes are related to your profile. This way, she will associate your text with laughter. Keep in mind that your first text should be funny and interesting for both of you.
Another good way to keep a girl interested over text is to keep sending her funny pictures. If you don’t have the time to send her pictures or funny links, send her some funny pictures instead. It will make her laugh and will show her that you know something about her. It will also show her that you care about her and hope to be with her in the future. You can also try to keep your messages short and simple, but make sure you make them memorable.
Avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes
It’s important to avoid grammar and spelling mistakes when texting a girl. You don’t have to use complicated words, but you should pay close attention to your text. Check for any missing punctuation and re-read before sending. While you’re at it, try to think of a few inside jokes or interesting conversation bits to share with her. Avoid the use of misspelled words, bad grammar, and unnecessary abbreviations.
Grammar and spelling errors are easy to make and girls notice them. Avoid using ‘your’ instead of ‘your’ in your texts. You’ll impress a girl much more if you don’t use bad grammar and spelling. Don’t be embarrassed about making basic mistakes – you’re not expected to be a grammar expert to send her nice texts.
Avoid asking her if she likes you
It’s natural to want to know whether a girl likes you over text, but if you don’t want to ruin your chances of getting her number, you should not ask her that question. Women often have very long responses, so it’s best to keep the conversation light and friendly and save the serious topics for when you’re actually in the presence of the girl. The best way to find out if a girl likes you is to be patient and watch for her signs.
One of the first signs of interest is when a girl texts you. Most girls won’t initiate conversations over text unless they’ve already been chatting with you. If she’s been responding to your messages, she’s probably into you. If you’re sending her long texts and she responds quickly, she’s likely interested. If she takes too long to reply, however, it may be a good idea to try again.
Try to guess her answer
One of the best ways to keep a girl interested over text is to match her enthusiasm and interest. This will show her that you are on her level and that you are willing to take things slowly. This also allows her to enjoy your conversations with her. Remember that texting should be fun for both of you, so keep things light and positive. You can do this by poking fun at yourself or making her laugh.
Choosing good questions is crucial to keeping her interested in your texts. Depending on the nature of the conversation, you can choose questions that are flirtatious, personal, or even funny. But make sure that you follow up with an interest in her response. This way, you’ll increase the chances of her replying to you. You can also use a variety of text gimmicks to keep your girl interested in your conversations.