How to Call a Sexual Hotline

You can call a sexual hotline to talk about your sexual orientation and other sexual concerns, but you should ask questions before you do. For example, you should know what the hotline collects from you and what happens to it. National hotlines, such as Victim Connect, RAINN, and Trans Lifeline, can direct you to local services.

How to Call a Sexual Hotline
How to Call a Sexual Hotline


If you’re a victim of sexual abuse, you can call or text the Sexual Hotline free of charge. Simply text the word “HOME” to 741741 and you’ll be connected to a live person who can offer you free, confidential help. While you may be tempted to delete your texts after the conversation, it’s important to keep confidential communications private.

The sexual hotline was established by legislation signed by New York Governor Kathy Hochul in March 2022. It was created to provide free counseling to people who have suffered workplace sexual harassment. The hotline is available Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.


The National Sexual Assault Hotline (NSAH) connects victims to local resources and trained advocates. It is a free, confidential hotline that provides 24-hour support and information for victims of sexual assault. Its advocates offer advice on coping with sexual assault, how to get help and what resources are available in their area. It also offers emotional support and self-help tools. The hotline is run by RAINN, which has helped many people facing domestic violence and sexual assault.

The Sexual Hotline is confidential and there are a number of ways to make your call confidential. The hotline is staffed by trained advocates who can provide individual support, legal advocacy, and referrals for resources in the area. They are not required to reveal any details about an incident to law enforcement or the university, except in the most serious circumstances.


The National Sexual Assault Hotline is a safe service for sexual assault victims. It routes calls using only the first six numbers, and never stores the full phone number. In addition, most states have laws requiring local staff to contact the proper authorities in certain situations. Regardless of the service you choose, be sure to contact the service and seek legal counsel if you feel discrimination has occurred.


The New York State Division of Human Rights operates a hotline to help victims of sexual harassment get the legal representation they need. The hotline is staffed by volunteer attorneys who provide legal assistance free of charge. The hotline is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Callers can request to speak with an attorney, who has experience with workplace sexual harassment. These attorneys can supplement the normal complaint process and can provide advice on what rights to seek.

The hotline can help victims of sexual assault in all walks of life. Its 24-hour service provides anonymous, confidential help to victims. You can call the hotline directly or fill out a form online. The hotline can also connect you with local resources in your area.


If you are the victim of sexual violence, there are several resources available to help you. These include national and local hotline resources and information on the best ways to protect yourself and others from sexual assault. The National Sexual Assault Hotline, for example, offers 24-hour support and resources. You can even use these hotline numbers to report sexual violence anonymously.

The VictimConnect Resource Center provides information and referrals to victims of sexual violence. This resource includes a phone-based helpline as well as an online chat. Another website, NotAlone, provides information about sexual assault and provides a directory of local services.

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