Safe sex has been the mantra for the last 30 years! From the sex ed photos of V.D.s to the pregnancy scares in college, everyone understands the importance of “wrapping it up” and taking that birth control pill religiously.

Then there’s that time you both found out that she was allergic to latex when her pussy swelled up on you, and you were afraid you’d never get it out of her. Pulling out is like playing Russian Roulette. Then, there’s the fact that no method is fail proof, especially when the strings of her IUD poke holes in the condom because you’re hitting it too good! Seriously, nothing about contraception is sexy!
So, is there a place where a guy can get with lots of chicks without all the hassle of “safe sex”? In fact, the easiest solution is right there in your back pocket. No, not your wallet, and not that old rubber that’s probably no good anymore, anyway. It’s your cell phone! You can connect with thousands of horny women who are eager to play naughty and nice with you, and create a personalized fantasy that leaves you both more than satisfied! No complicated relationships and the embarrassing conversations about the kinky things you’re into, or the edgy stuff she likes that you’ve never even tried. No having to run into this girl on campus or at work, after you’ve hit it and quit it. Just a fine, sexy stranger who’s as horny for you as you are for her! No long term porn subscriptions, no online chat rooms with 50 other guys begging the cam girl to do the last thing you want to see. Just a real girl on the other end of the line, digging you and begging for more! Makes a man a stud, knowing that all these ladies want him, and he can just hang it all up when he’s done! Phone sex is easy, just like you want it!