Online dating can feel like a dead sea, but many people have found real love in the digital world. Whether you’re sifting through dating apps or looking for the right person through friends, you can find your path to love online.

But is it real? According to brain science, romantic love does fire up the same chemicals as in-person love.
1. It’s easier
Yes, you can fall in love with someone online (as long as they’re real). Meeting people online is becoming more common and is a great way to find love. It’s also a lot easier than trying to approach someone in person.
Psychologist Harry Reis, Dean’s Professor in Arts, Sciences & Engineering at the University of Rochester, has studied relationships for decades and is one of the pioneers in the field of relationship science. He joins us to share his science-backed tips for finding—and keeping—love.
Reis says focusing on the qualities you value in a partner may improve your chances of finding true love. Having realistic expectations, searching for like-minded people, and staying open-minded can also help. But it’s important not to put all your eggs in the digital dating basket.
2. It’s faster
People are often able to connect and communicate much quicker online than they would in person. This can be exciting and romantic but can also lead to ignoring relationship “red flags” and falling for the wrong type of people.
It’s natural for people to put their best foot forward online, so it can be hard to tell whether someone is telling the truth or not. Despite this, it’s not uncommon for people to fall in love with someone they have never met.
This is not a trend that is likely to end anytime soon. The way that people communicate online is changing faster than ever before, so it’s important to pay attention to warning signs and not rush into relationships.