7 Signs That He’s Gay

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7 Signs That Hes Gay
7 Signs That Hes Gay

If your man has a penchant for looking at other men or seems to react strongly to homosexuals, this could be a big hint that he is gay.

1. He’s a big fan of Cher or Paul O’Grady

When a man idolizes certain celebrities it can be a sign that he’s gay. Cher and Paul O’Grady are popular figures amongst gay men for their style and campiness. If he watches their shows or listens to their music then it’s a good indication that he’s interested in homosexuality.

O’Grady, who died last month at the age of 67, was known for his chat show The Paul O’Grady Show and celebrity-focused documentaries such as For the Love of Dogs. Hundreds of fans turned out for his funeral in the village of Aldington in Kent to pay their respects.

2. He’s obsessed with fashion

If he loves stereotypical “female” programmes such as beauty pageants or over the top makeover shows and watches a lot of big awards, it could be a sign that he’s gay. Also, listen to the way he talks about women. He’s probably going to compliment them in a sexual way.

Another thing to look out for is how fastidious he is with his appearance and home. If he never wears jeans, always has a pressed shirt and uses three-for-one shampoo, conditioner and body wash it’s a big hint!

3. He makes eye contact with other men

While it’s normal for men to check out other people, if your husband constantly looks at other guys or goes on a date with another man, this could be a sign that he’s gay. If you notice that he gets excited or jealous when you spend time with a close male friend, this could also be a sign that he’s into men.

Similarly, if your husband shows signs of extreme homophobia or becomes repulsed when talking about homosexuals, this could be a sign that repressed homosexual feelings are bubbling up.

4. He’s homophobic

Homophobia is hatred of LGBTQIA+ people and can be blatant or subtle. It can also be institutional as well as personal.

Men who are gay and in the closet often use homophobic language. This could be a sign that they are hiding something from their friends or family.

He may also be homophobic if he refuses to use urinals in public toilets and insists on using the toilet instead. This could be because he feels uncomfortable or embarrassed about his sexuality. It’s important to note that you won’t know for sure whether he is gay until he tells you himself.

5. He’s losing interest in you

While it’s normal for guys to want a threesome, especially when they’re comfortable with their sexuality, if your guy is always nudging you to have one with men that could be a sign he’s gay. Similarly, if he has man toys such as dildos that are usually used for gay sex it’s something to be concerned about.

If you’re worried about him losing interest in you because of his homosexuality, have a talk with him but be careful to not use homophobic language. Also, be respectful and calm during the conversation.

6. He’s losing interest in your relationship

If he seems to lose interest in your relationship, it could be because he is looking for a more sexual partner. This is especially true if he starts flirting with other men or looks at sexily-bodied male actors on television.

He may also secretly explore gay culture through online activities like social media and chat rooms. He may even have a strong interest in LGBTQ-themed movies, TV shows, and music that he shares only with his close friends.

He may also have man toys such as dildos that are used for gay sex. He might even try to sweet talk other men and compliment them in ways that women wouldn’t.

7. He’s having doubts about your relationship

Every marriage has its rough patches, but a realization that your husband is gay could be a lot more upsetting than the seven-year itch or financial troubles. If your man seems increasingly disinterested in you and a lot more interested in other men, this could be a sign that he’s repressing his sexuality.

It’s also important to note if your man has an intense interest in LGBTQ movies, TV shows, music, or books, but only shares these things with a few close friends. This is often a sign that he’s gay and is trying to hide it from you.

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