Do you know that there are 4 telltale signs that a guy is losing interest in you? If so, you’re not alone. Texting is a great way to communicate with people and judge their responses. However, there are a few things you should know about text messages from a man.

4 telltale signs a guy is losing interest in you
If you have been flirting with a guy for a while, but he suddenly stopped responding to your text messages, he might be losing interest in you. This may be the result of a few different things, but here are four common signs he’s losing interest in you through text:
He isn’t initiating texts or calls anymore. When he used to chase you, he would reply to you quickly. Now, he sends his responses hours later. If you complain or follow up with him, he will tell you that he’s busy.
He won’t make an effort to see you. Instead, he will make excuses for being too busy and will make excuses for not being able to get together with you. Also, if he’s not initiating any physical intimacy, he’s probably losing interest in you.
Your guy doesn’t make you feel special anymore. He used to invite you to events or tell you about them, but no longer invites you. He only mentions these things in passing. He also no longer holds your hand or opens your door for you.
He is trying to distance himself from you. He makes you feel like you’re insignificant. He belittles you, and creates negative thoughts about you and your relationship. He’s not looking for ways to improve the relationship.
4 telltale signs a guy is losing interest in you through text
Texting is a way for us to communicate with each other, but it also serves as a means for men to judge a woman’s reactions. If you’ve noticed your boyfriend is missing your texts and sending lame excuses, you should be concerned that your relationship may be stalling. You can use these four telltale signs to figure out if he’s losing interest in you.
First, your man is no longer checking in with you during the day or night. This can be a sign that he’s losing interest in you. You used to see him almost every day, but he’s no longer doing that. He may even have a full-time job and is no longer spending time with you.
Second, he’s texting less. He’s not as excited to hear from you as he once was, and he’s not responding to you when you text him. You may also notice that he’s becoming less spontaneous. While he may not be hurting your feelings, he’s simply becoming less interested.
Third, he’s avoiding intimacy. While every relationship has some lulls, there will always be boring moments and conversations. When your man doesn’t find you interesting, he’ll stop trying to be intimate.
10 telltale signs a guy is losing interest in you through text
When a guy texts you too much, it’s likely that he’s losing interest in you. He might reply with emojis or words like “okay” when you’re trying to communicate. Or, he may take forever to reply. Whatever the reason, you need to figure out whether he’s losing interest in you.
Losing interest isn’t a sudden flip of a switch; it’s a gradual process of slow decline. The interest may be gone for a few weeks or even months. But his behavior will speak volumes about the current status of your relationship.
In the beginning, your boyfriend would be excited to see you. Now, he makes excuses like being too busy to meet you or feeling sick. He might have once raced to your home or office on two hours of sleep. If he had the flu, he would skip work. In other words, he will find any excuse to avoid spending time with you.
A woman who doesn’t initiate conversation isn’t interested. She may not be comfortable with taking the lead and may be afraid of rejection. Her lack of initiative in texting suggests that your relationship is one-sided. If your woman has never initiated conversations, it’s important to find out why.
If you’re feeling frustrated and unsatisfied, he may not want to spend time with you. Instead of pursuing a romantic relationship, he may try to drive you away. He may try to argue with you or nag you about the smallest things. You might even notice a man who doesn’t respond to your requests or demands.